
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quote of the day:

"When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will change"


It just occurred to me that I probably should've started keeping this blog anonymously so I could write whatever the fuck I want without having to worry about it affecting people's opinion about me too much (I'm still in a public profession, I don't think I should reveal my deepest darkest secrets). Well, truth to be told, I'll probably write all kinds of weird shit anyway, so maybe it's no harm no foul. Just some food for thought.

I'm bored and hungry, that's not a good combo 'cause it makes me grumpy. Sorta rhymes, has to be true...

Wlan in the train

Sucks! It seems to work otherwise, but when I try to play poker in my browser it for some reason refuses. What kind of shit is this? When I could actually do some grinding (I have 5h trip still to go, sounded like a good idea to play some online poker) and win back some of the money I used for the tickets (which are shit expensive in Finland by the way), VR fucks me in the ass again. Jani is NOT a happy camper. I guess I'll just pick my nose and think dark thoughts for 5 hours straight...

Antakaa köysi perkele...

BTW, why on earth don't poker sites have clients for mac? And for that note, why is there no Holdem Manager for mac? People who like to play online poker AND have a computer that actually works are not amused (Yeah yeah, mac is gay, Apple is gay... I don't care).

And as we got into the whole Apple-thing here, anyone have any idea when there might be an unlock for the baseband 04.11.08 coming? If you do, drop me a line below. I was an idiot an lost my jailbreak while updating my iPhone, and I would really want to crack this bitch again....


This feels WAY too fitting at the moment:

I know it's probably not even supposed to be simple (are human interactions ever?), but would be nice if mine wasn't such a clusterfuck all the time. I guess it serves me right for being such an ass in the past, but one would think that I would've served my sentence already, as nowadays I always try to do the right thing, even if it's not that pleasant to do. Well, maybe someday.

This is shaping up to be a pretty horrible day, so far nothing is picking up and everything seems to go to hell. Well, at least one can say that there is only one way left, and that one is up. I'll race you to the top!

Tuesdays suck

That's right, you heard me, they do. Today I'll take a train to kemi to go meet my sister and her family, which is nice... But, that means 6 hours of sitting in a train, which is of course a wonderful thing. Who wouldn't want to sit still for six hours without being able to do anything worthwhile... So far this day has been just one major disappointment after the other, I really hope it picks up at some point.

Monday, January 30, 2012


As this is my first blog I really have no fricking clue what I'm supposed to do with it. What this means is that I am probably going to fill this up with nonsensical ramblings about various topics. If that bothers you then I'll strongly suggest that you grab your coat and exit stage left. Or right, I don't care.

I kinda feel like I still have a slight hangover, apparently my stamina isn't what it used to be. One of my friends had a combined birthday/going away - party last saturday, and although it's monday now I can still feel the aftermath in my body. Having tequila as a welcome-drink is a pretty darn dangerous start to an evening. I'll post a picture of a picture (wow, that sounded lame... ) he had framed in his apartment, as I think it pretty much sums it up:

We did...

Hello folks

It's me, your (supposedly) favorite Jani Liimatainen here. I'm gonna just go ahead and assume that since you found your way here you also have at least a vague idea about who I am and what I do. If not, then google is your friend. I have no interest whatsoever to start recapping my past adventures, so lets just focus on the future ones, ok?

 I thought I'd start writing a blog. Why? Because I can, that's why! And before anyone asks, no I don't actually hate you all, the name of the blog is just a tribute to the blog of one of my favorite characters of all time. So no need to get all worked up. I'll get back to you in a sec, now I think I need my morning coffee.