
Sunday, September 2, 2012


Fuck you all, especially you, you know who you are. I went to Oulu, still a great town. But yeah, fuck you, I still hate you and wish the worst for you, you know who you are.


  1. Sorry Jani..For the last time i'm sorry,i didn't want to do that to you and never wanted you to feel so much hate for me...

  2. Ok, what did I do again drunk? Sorry Jani, I don't remember D:

  3. Who exactly do you mean when you say we? Do you know him personally and that's the reason you're this upset? It's just a blogpost for christ sake...

  4. nobody says you, that you must read it... it is his blog, he can post what he wants....

  5. Don't bother, it's just Jani. He hates us, we hate him and everything is fine :)

  6. Stop being such a child, damn man I have been following your blog for a few months now but you are such a letdown, the emotional immaturity of 14 year old girl, seriously man this is good advice, try to grow up!

    1. Some good advice for you as well: if you don´t like this blog stop reading it. I´m sure you have better things to do!

  7. I agree with Daydreamer. If you don't like Jani's blog, just stop reading it. It's simple. I'm also wondering... Don't people have better things to do than just trolling? They're the ones who act childish, need to grow up and also get a life. Because I don't see any reason to get upset or insult Jani, he's only saying how he feels, Jani is the way he is and not how you "think" he is. I read Jani's blog every single day, and I always come to check it almost five times a day, and his posts make me somehow happy, because he is not someone that pretends having a perfect life like most of the "idols". He is not a fake, he is a real person. I'll probably receive a lot of replies by retards playing to be the bad kids saying stupid things to me and I don't actually care. So, fuck the distance, Jani you will always have my support!

    1. Luis (Pickboy from Barcelona)September 3, 2012 at 3:17 AM

      Yeah. I'm seconding word by word of Heivenknight.

    2. Its very predictable and childish to defend everything Jani says just because he's a successful young musician and I guess I am a nobody. But that's how the world works I guess.

      But as a 31 year old man, I think he should not act like an emotionally unstable preteen who just discovered Myspace.

      This whole "if you don't like his blog, dont read it" argument is just as bogus as if I were to tell jani "if you don't like those people, write about something positive instead of complaining".

      I don't expect any of you to understand this though.

    3. But as a 31 year old man, I think he should not act like an emotionally unstable preteen who just discovered Myspace.

      And why not, exactly? What's so wrong with being emotionally unstable sometimes? Nobody's a machine. Or do you think such blog entries could ruin Jani's image? Well, that's what I personally like about him (aside from the music, naturally), that he doesn't give a damn about an "image" a "successful young musician" is expected to have. He's just being who he is, and why shouldn't he? Just because someone on the Internet might see that he's human, too?

    4. Great response, Heivenknight, word.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I quote the second Anonymous... furthermore, Jani writes for himself, surely not for your enterteinment.

  10. This whole "if you don't like his blog, don´t read it" argument is just as bogus as if I were to tell Jani "if you don't like those people, write about something positive instead of complaining".

    See, and that´s the difference. Think of this blog as his virtual home. Now you wouldn´t go to his real home and criticize the way he arranged his furniture or the domestic appliances, would you?
    The same goes for this blog. As long as he breaks no laws, he can write anything he wants.

    And if it doesn´t suit you, just don´t read it. I don´t always agree with what he writes either, but I accept that he´s just different from me.

  11. Something tells me that Jani is just trolling us

    1. Now that would be childish. And not so clever because blogs that get trolled a lot stop being enjoyable to read at some point...

  12. i dont understand one thing. why to scream - im happy, im happy, i love you all - is good and to scream - im angry, i hate you- is bad ??
    why one emotion can be shared and another emotion could not be shared ?? why if somebody will write here "i love youuuu" is not childish and to write "i hate you" should be childish ??
    everyone, can share his emotions... and this is just blog, he is not going with gun and shooting around him ...

  13. Now there´s a good question. I think people dislike negative emotions such as anger. But it´s still a valid emotion and i´ve been told over and over again that if not let out, these negative emotions can be harmful to one´s health.

  14. The lengths some of you will go to justify bad behavior is just astounding and rather hilarious.

    I just hope you can step back and try to be a bit more rational. Defending everything he says because he's a musician...its such an old, tired, predictable pattern I've seen hundreds of times.

    But thats just how the world works I guess. thats why we have cults...

  15. Be sure, not because he is musician...musicians are people with same shits like everybody ... but dont see reason to judge somebody just because he is open with his emotion.
    If some from your friends will come to you and will tell you how he is angry on all the fucking world, will you judge him, or will you listen his problems ?
    Or did he touch of your ego with his words ?
    I think is time to close theme, somebody accepts bad feelings or another persons, somebody does not accepts it... people are different...

  16. Luis (Pickboy from Barcelona)September 6, 2012 at 1:59 AM

    I think that is enough of this fight-shit. A back to self lifes would be great.

  17. I have no idea who this is directed at so why do I feel that I'm being yelled at even though I didn't know Jani existed until last friday? Probably me being weird...AGAIN.
