
Friday, March 8, 2013

Some people say...

Some people say today is international Woman's Day. Fuck that, today is Friday as far as I'm concerned.


  1. Trying to give that yellow bird a reason to call you an idiot, aren't you? :p

    1. Or maybe then there are different ways to understand this concept.
      For me it doesn't have anything to do with that women are better or more important then men. And anyway we in Europe (and North America and so on) don't have much to complain about anyway being a girl (or being a guy). But unfortunately in many countries it's not like that and I think for them it wouldn't be bad to show that they ARE important and there are people fighting for their SAME rights (not more rights or anything) than men have.

    2. Oh for crying out loud...ever considered that he is just sarcastic and might be joking. Don't take everything so seriously :)

  2. And as a woman let me tell you this: You're right! Fuck that! (sorry for the waitress)

    I mean, I hate that the concept of this day has been seen from a sexist point of view. It sucks ass that any random guy approaches like that: "Congratulations, girrrrl! *hug*" or idiotic comments like "We're awesome!" Yes, WE'RE AWESOME, but not for sexist shit like this. I can also think of other idiotic comments like: "Celebrate, girls, for the rest of the year is ours." Fuck that, fuck them, fuck this shit, fuck off.

    Besides, this is not a date to celebrate, it's a date to remember the women who worked at a factory and died burnt because the owners locked them inside so they would stop protesting for better income and working less hours (they were asking for 10 hours a day, imagine how many they were forced to work), but I guess not many women know that and maybe they think someone picked a random day just to "make them justice" and that might generate rejection and sexist comments.

    So far, no one has "congratulated" me, and I hope no one does because my reply will be like this: .|.

    1. Totally agree with you, Mariana. I'm glad that someone thinks like me.

  3. its like saying women cant play guitar witch is bullshit women can get just as good as men

  4. Oh Jani Jani, only you could have said this, and although all women hate me, I agree with you, today is Friday, that's all, and woe poor waitress, went very bad with her, bad boy, bad boy ... hahaha, anyway ... going on to more interesting things, enjoy tonight to Stratovarius... :D

  5. wtf theme is this... well, im woman...and i feel like woman every day, not just on this one. And this day i dont feel better than some another day. For someone i can be awesome, for someone i can be cunt, this day same like every another who cares.

  6. I get the feeling that none of you has a clue what this day is all about, so I suggest you read up a little:

    And to you Jani: what would you think if someone shot either one of your nieces in her head, all because she wanted to go to school? This happened to a Pakistani girl and it makes me feel glad to be born in a free western country where I could get a decent education without having to face such consequences.

    1. Well yeah, I suppose none of us knew what it was about but I think the reason Jani brought it up was because of the facebook status he saw. And I agree with him, I think it was kind of stupid. Its not like I'm go "Today is the Martin Luther King day, Yeay! We blacks rule the world!". Thats just dumb.

  7. Uhmm I think I DO have an idea of the real reason to commemorate, DayDreamer... Malala is my ultimate hero. Her bravery inspires me, especially for being from a country where the worst things happen to women. Fearless girls like her determined to get education no matter what should be praised every day, not JUST today... I hope what I'm trying to say is understood.

    1. Memorial days are there for a reason. Just because veterans should be respected everyday, nobody complains about there being a Veteran Day. Just because the liberation from Fascism, or a country's indipendence, are celebrated every day by the freedom of its people it doesn't mean that the memorial days have no meaning and shouldn't be respected, the achievements celebrated and the dead remembered. Then why is it always Women's Day that gets this kind of behavior?

      Of course the meaning of Women's Day has been corrupted. Of course nowadays for a lot of people it's just an excuse to act like idiots. Because everything has to go through the filter of our sexist society, where we STILL don't matter enough that our memorials are respected. Because girls are taught that if they act like stupid guys it makes them empowered - but THAT'S why it's such an important day. To remind everybody that WE STILL HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IT. For everything. That we should never get complacent and never stop fighting. Because guess what, the second we say "hey, today is a memorial for all the women that died to give us the right to vote, to work, to divorce, to be free" we get called cunts, we get shot down, we get hundreds upon hundreds of little snidely sexist jokes.

      Not everybody is a freedom fighter that takes a bullet to the head for their ideas. And a lot of people act like idiots on this day. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop my little fight, and that definitely doesn't mean I'm gonna take some random dude saying women are all cunts laying down. Not any day. Definitely not today.

    2. I apologize to both of you, Mariana and heavymetalqueen. You do know what this is all about.

  8. jani liimatainen a class A gentenman lol and a drinker on the side

  9. Happy day to you Liimatainen XD

  10. You know, it's a real shame when you have to ruin everything you do with this childish, ridiculous sexist bullshit. I've been trying to give you another chance dude. I really have. And I got all excited for the previous announcement but then you have to go and, again, say shit that makes me want to kick your teeth in. And trust me I'm not the only one. Sooner or later all the people who aren't your drooling idiotic fanboys are gonna figure out you're just a little, bitter man with very little to add to the table.

    Grow the fuck up. You're smarter than this, or at least you've studied enough not to call women cunts ON A FEMINIST MEMORIAL DAY. Stop acting like everything is a joke, because sooner or later you'll be the joke. Or maybe you already are. Start respecting women, start respecting PEOPLE, before everybody leaves you behind like the immature douchebag you act like.

    And all you douchebags that agree with him, please, stop feeding his ego. The last thing this man needs is people coddling his immaturity and incapability of functioning in the world.

    1. Chill out man, jani is only joking,hes a real cool guy.
      dont be offended by lines of text on the screen.idiot.
      Jani dude ignore the overzealous ones they cannot take a bit of sarcasm. *high fives jani*
      from nath.

    2. Oh and by the way: I GET what you're saying. That's why I'm so pissed off. Because your heart is in the right place. But you can't express a progressive thought without acting like...well, like that. Look at all the pathetic douchebros high-fiving you. Is THAT what you really wanted with your comment? I don't think so. You were making a fair point on the almost lost meaning of this day. Actually the same point my mother (die-hard femminist that she is) was making today. But calling the people who aren't educated enough to get it cunts is not helping, y'know? And it's just gonna piss off those that are.

      Despite the rage your way of saying things gives me, I can figure out what the real meaning is. A lot of the people that follow you blindly clearly don't. You're better than what these people think you are, and are trying to convince you that you are. Please, start acting like it. For us, for your career, and for yourself.

    3. I'm happy to read not everybody stops using their own brains just because it's Jani posting....

  11. Your ignorance is quite disturbing, along with other comments from your fanboys/fangirls, though sadly it is nothing new.
    Perhaps Jani you should look into the struggles that women still have to face all over the world, and these include in so called 'democratic' Western countries. Violence against women is still frighteningly high, and here in Canada 1 in 3 women experience sexual violence at some point in her life. This is in Canada, a country that is held in such high regard. I'm sure you also have not heard that over 600 Native women have gone missing and been raped and murdered in our country, with our government barely lifting a finger based on the fact that they are Native women. Women are underrepresented in positions of power and over represented in poverty. Again, this phenomenon is a reality in rich countries , not just in ones that people always tend to demonize. And don't get me started on the way women are continuously objectified and taught to hate our bodies. So please, tell me that we have nothing left to fight for!

    So Jani this day may mean nothing to you, but you are granted the privilege of ignoring this important day based on being born male. Yes the meaning of this day is misused and sadly even women don't fully understand it's importance. But one silly status does not discount what this day really means for women, and the struggles we have yet to conquer.

    By the way this post is not bashing men, which I'm sure I will be accused of, but bashing the constructs of privilege that exist in our society that result in oppression.

    So maybe you need to grow up and educate yourself.

  12. I can see spicy anal burning over here and over there.

    oh hello Jani how are you been :)

  13. I find it more pathetic for these women who get upset with comments like these...Get a life, it was only a joke

  14. heyyy, please, if you call someone idiot, use just the word idiot, without the word finnish... thanks

  15. Come on girls, it's just a joke ! And you perfectly know that nowadays International Women's Day has been corrupted. So, stop getting upset and stop with your stupid moral lessons.

  16. A joke isn't funny if it's in poor taste. Sorry, Jani, but I'm with your critics on this one.

  17. I think most people here do jokes and sarcasm, too, otherwise they wouldn't read this blog at all. Maybe it's just not my kind of humour to call people cunt or make fun of something that has a meaning to people you are less lucky. But everybody how they think and since this is a public blog everybody can tell Jani their opinion about his posts...

  18. only smart people can use irony and sarcasm otherwise it is called arrogance and boorishness dear Jani

  19. realmente, para mí, ha sido otro día igual, he trabajado por menor sueldo que mis compañeros...y en la misma puta mierda!! no me puedo quejar como están las cosas!! saludos desde españa :))) ,por cierto, estoy segura de que jani bromea, a veces se queja, a veces bromea :O

    1. Oh! master and Lord, you forgive, not shoot me, ohhh............

  20. Well, the name of the blog is Jani _hates_ you all, so he is true to his blog's name. But maybe the joke was lacking good taste and consideration, at least when women are concerned. Still if you can read the name of the blog, you should have an idea what kind of posts to expect...

  21. I´m not sure. I remember Jani explained where the "...hates you all" came from, but I don´t remember where from exactly. But I think he did say not to take it too serious.

    1. Ever saw Californication? Hank Moody had a blog called Hank hates you all. I think that's where it comes from. And yeah, Jani is serious in about 1/3 of his posts (maybe not even that) so you all just need to chill out and realize that if you don't get his jokes and nasty sense of humour and the fact that everything should be made fun of then you really should go and read some other blog. Not this one. If you don't get it, then you don't get it but come on...this has just grown to a massive piece of crap. All this because of a joke that some of you find offensive...chill out!

    2. That's the cowardly way out -- being a vicious little cunt all the fucking time and when someone actually calls you out on that, pretending that it's all a joke and blame others for not understanding your sophisticated sense of humour. That's the strategy insecure bullies use: "Let me punch you in the face -- why so touchy, relax, can't you take a joke!"

      Yeah, just make a joke out EVERYTHING and you can conveniently wash your hands out of it. That way you'll never need to take responsibility for your words or engage in a discussion or challenge your thinking. Hiding behind a veil of sarcasm is so much easier than showing the real you. One would think wearing the mask of a clown gets tiring in the long run but hey whatever.

    3. Can't you people fucking realize that the name of this blog already tells you that he is not writing it seriously. This topic has grown waaayy too big now considering that it's not written seriously. Jani is a funny, nice and a smart man in real life. This blog is not a diary where he tells his true feelings, it's just a big joke. Try to fucking live with it or go and read Martha Stewarts blog...she probably loves everything and wouldn't say anything offensive.

    4. I agree with you 1000%. You can't just hide behind a veil of "oh, its a joke. Get a sense of humor!"

      Also, no one considers that the girl on facebook who says "women rule" also made a joke. Why that was taken so seriously?

  22. With that brilliant sense of humor you'll become a bitter old weirdo which nobody loves.

    1. +1 B.Deniz Turan

    2. We have a word for people like you. "FANBOY!" You will defend him no matter what. Even your writing style is copied from him. Its time to grow up...

  23. I am a woman and I feel on top of the world everyday, so really, March 8th...International Womans' Day...SCREW IT!! They need an International Video Games Day, how bout that just replace it? Many people would enjoy that I'm sure. One last not: You're fucking awesome Jani!! Keep on posting, love the humor!!
