
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday, back pains, all that jazz

So, last night went exactly how I thought, me getting my new system up and running. It's getting pretty functional already, and buy is it way more fun to work with Logic on a 27inch screen and with a computer that doesn't start freezing up immediately when you introduce some heavier plugins in the mix.

My back was kinda fucked up again this morning, pretty damn annoying. It wasn't as bad as last week, but still painful enough to annoy the living crap out of me.

Well, I guess I'll continue setting up my new "toy". I also ordered a desk for it, as I haven't been using a desktop computer since I migrated to Mac from PC. Should get it on Tuesday. Now the computer is just sitting on the living room table, which looks kinda stupid as the iMac is still pretty sizeable. But that'll be fixed later :)


  1. miten uusi koneesi toimii?ensiviikolla yritän päästä helsingin keikalle jollen menetä viikonloppuna ääntä straton keikoilla.oletko säveltä uusia biisejä?

  2. Configuration of iMac is a piece of cake for you? =D.. Very good that your new toy is working now and pretty well... and now pay attention to your back! I guess you know that this pain of shit isn't normal! please go to the doctor :)

  3. The title made me think about this song, whose title is suitable with your back problems.. Badass song!!!

    1. I think this one applies too :p

  4. Jani, have you heard of Avalon? (Timo Tolkki's new project)

  5. i no this is off subject but i was wondering if you any plans of releasing a solo album or a metal album if you do ill buy all the beer lol hope your back feel better

  6. GET HELP with your back pain before you get some permanent damage there. And if you already have it, go to The Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist, not any Surgery. If I have to remind you this, you will be sorry...

  7. ay, jani!! una espalda nueva ( uy, uy,:)) ) de porcelana y un mocroscopio ( 27 kilómetros, :)))) jejeje!!! oh!! lo siento, bienvenido al club :oh, perdón, al geriátrico :)))

    1. (español) Karmen, creo que sólo unos cuantos entendimos tu broma. Él no habla español y por lo visto tú no hablas inglés. ¿Por qué no usas el traductor de Google o Babel Fish? Si bien nunca superarán al traductor humano, sí son muy útiles en oraciones cortas. Aunque es muy divertido ver cómo contestas en español y él en finés, creo que algunos por aquí se frustran un poquito.

      (English) Karmen, I think only few of us understood your joke. He doesn't speak Spanish and obviously you don't speak English. Why don't you use Google Translator or Babel Fish? I know for sure they'll never surpass a real translator, but they are pretty useful when writing short sentences. Although it IS fun to see your replies in Spanish and his in Finnish, I think some people might feel a bit frustrated.

  8. Voi helevetti. Ja mää aattelin et tuut mulle lumityöavuksi ensviikolla. En anna sun pukata lunta jos on kippee :/
    Nimimerkillä lumet kohta alhaalla katolta. Oh joy.

  9. you have serious problem with your back.. i think is important get a good and comfortable chair
