
Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday on my mind.

Well, not really, couldn't care less. Just feels a bit weird, as this is the first weekend in a while when I don't have any shows booked. Maybe I'll just chill, try to write something and later watch how my man Mr. Railio does in The Voice of Finland. Tomorrow I'll head to Kemi, which is fun in the sense that I get to go and see my family, but sucks in the sense that the travel takes for-fucking-ever, not to mention I have to start it at 06:20 or so... Hoo-fucking-ray!


  1. same program for later...will crossing my fingers to Antti too :)

  2. olen matkustanut joitakin kertoja kemiin tosi on et matka kestää.tarkoitus olisi mennä kemiin elokuussa.joo tiedän et vastaat et ei kannata tulla mut hyvää bändiä en aio missata.Kiittäen keskiviikon keikasta.kyllä se matka hyvin taittuu kun mene ravintolavaunuun ja juo useamman oluen.

  3. wouldn't a night train be more relaxing?

  4. Except for travel, I think it's a great time for you, enjoy it, have fun, and rest as much as possible... :)

  5. Off topic question: About iMac, how can you live without the CD/DVD/CD-ROM drive? Did you get an external one? I just got my own computer and I need to install some softwares :/

    1. Who uses those anymore? We have external hard drives and all that jazz, also most of the software nowadays is delivered via download with no physical copy. I have really no need for the drive, and if I need something I have a dvd drive in my MacBook Pro and also in my PC.

    2. Uhmm I'll definitely have to get an external drive, it's just that when it comes to Apple I feel like a hopeless, numb amateur... Ok, thanks. :)

  6. Ala heittämään tanssibändi keikkaa niin ei tarvi kotona istua :-)
