
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Manly man is manning

Today I've built a desk, whilst drinking beer. Felt pretty manly :) Maybe I should try doing manly things more often, instead of being such a fucking sad poet-boy all the time. Lets watch some football and hammer down some drywall!


  1. ...and have another beer ;)

  2. I hope you mean american football

    1. I had this exact thought.

      Football (Soccer - what have you) is a good sport to watch when they're not faking injuries. I really can't get into Football or Soccer (what have you), Hockey is where it's at.

    2. In this context I meant what some of you call "Soccer". Which is retarded, it's fucking football as far as I'm concerned. What Americans call football is ridiculous. They don't even really kick the ball that often, and the BALL ISN'T EVEN A FUCKING BALL :) Go figure the logic behind that one...

    3. You make an excellent point Jani. Americans call it "football" even though it should be like "handball" or something, it's a lot of throwing, not a lot kicking. Perhaps Americans need to get off our lazy asses and actually find out what logic is... Thus why my decision is to leave America ASAP because there isn't enough logic in this dumb place... (I'm Asian, so even though I'm an American citizen, I call it stupid.

  3. Which football team you support?

    1. None of them, I couldn't care less about football, I was again only playing to the stereotype of a "man" :)

  4. Ok beer and manly things sounds a good combination... hahaha you and football?? this is a good combination??? really? =D

    1. Beer+ X = a Good Thing usually :) Like I said, I don't give a flying fuck about football, it was just a verbal vehicle to make a point :)

    2. Ok! I get it... could make the point with other analogies.. anyway... I'll go for a beer... :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah, maybe next time try to add this to the combination: a woman goin around you while you being manly and finally approaching and saying "So much sweat, it's making me wet!" - you then will feel like a real MAN. ... Or maybe you'll realise our idea of what's manly has been totally fucked up by 90's Coke commercials... ;)

  7. I'm starting to understand your sense of humor Jani, I think I can congratulate myself and sleep because I'm tired..I went to see SA show here :)
    agree with you, football is CLEARLY football, no soccer no american football
