Time to hit the road, gonna be a looong week, but whatevs, I like what I do. Lets beer great!
BTW, I found a song that could, and probably should, be the theme song for this blog. The lyrics are a bit juvenile and "teen angst", aside from "I hate you - That's an understatement" , which is a great line :), but then again, this blog is juvenile and angsty as well, so it's only fitting. So here's a great sendoff to your weekend, sincerely from me to you:
hahahaha thank you Jani, you're so cute...... Have a great weekend too xD
ReplyDeleteKuten myös reissuun lähdössä aamulla 05.00 kohti Yllästä loman viettoon.
ReplyDeleteSo sexy https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/q71/s720x720/1170658_10151785484441492_1436984398_n.jpg hahaha
ReplyDeleteI Hate You Too, Jani. Cheers!
ReplyDeletecatchy chorus.