Thursday, September 11, 2014

Not quite the start I was hoping for...

Well, my 34th year as a habitant of this planet has begun, and unfortunately not as well as I had hoped. Meaning that I've caught a TERRIBLE flu, haven't really gotten out of the couch now in two days. Sore throat, high fever and a lot of snot. I know, sounds charming.

Actually it is kinda fitting time to get sick, as this is one of the few free weeks I will have during the rest of the year, of course one has to spend it inside four walls. God forbid I could do anything that would be actually nice or fun...

Well, it is what it is and I will just have to play with these cards I've been dealt. Hopefully this shit will turn to better soon, as this is REALLY fucking annoying.


  1. Well... "not everything is as you expect it" wrong you're sick :( I hope you recover soon and you're with enough energy to perform your activities :)

  2. Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that. Get something to lower the high fever quickly as that one drains your whole energy and it's pretty dangerous. You really have to strengthen your immune system to avoid getting sick in the future again. Get well soon!

  3. Something very important for don't get sick is to express your emotions, feelings...
    I hope you get well soon ;)

  4. Oh damn, not a good way to kick it off.... sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon! :) :)

  5. Growing older? Extraordinary people acknowledge they’ve grown into who they are as much from their mistakes and defeats as their wise choices and victories, they say. Now your wise choise is resting the flu away...

  6. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger!

  7. Jani
    ¿how was your birthday day :3
    I have curiosity
    grettings and recuperate

  8. Jani, why don't you remove your amygdala??It really solved my sore throat problems...even when i get a flu....

  9. Ow... hope you get well soon, Jani. Take care!

  10. Jani probably took part in the ice bucket challenge and got sick. :)
    (Get better!)

  11. Perkele!! That's what you get from partying so much haha...hope you have a quick and safe recovery! You can avoid some details for next time too :p.
    Take care Jani! Happy birthday, xoxo etc...

  12. Ok I feel like crap now! I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday! :( I hope you had a wonderful time with lots of great memories :) Love you <3

  13. How could I forgot your birthday when I remember you have them the same day as my best friend... Sorry :D But still, happy birthday :D And take care! :)
