Wednesday, October 29, 2014

CO drum recordings

Are done :)

Picture from the Studio57 facebook page.


  1. This is great! =)
    When do you start recording everything else?

  2. Oh god this picture makes so damn happy!!! Thank you :D *dances around*

  3. Jani why did all of you music you created for Ecliptica get mutilated and spit on by prostitutes

  4. Did you like the re-made Ecliptica album Jani?

    1. Go listen to it, it's the best joke of the year. Elias fucked up every solo and Tony lost his whole upper register.

    2. Yeah. Not to mention the horrible mixing. I actually got very angry while listening to this album, because it sounded like a complete failure in every aspect. Why did they have to go and mutilate the original masterpiece like this? It's just wrong.

    3. hard to say but RIP Sonata Arctica...your old (fucking good) music will live forever...

    4. If I was Jani. I'd be so fed up about all of you who can't stfu about w/e SA does nowadays, like... EVERY, SINGLE, THING.
      For some reason I think Jani would say the new Ecliptica is "different, but not bad. Don't care much for it anyway?" or something like that.

  5. Please tell me Pasi isn't the new bassist.. please tell me Pasi isn't the new bassist...

  6. I'm curious. Do you even care to listen to it, or is this something you just let be?

  7. he probably would like even though hes not in the band anymore, the recording quality is definitely alot better then the first version but the first album is special and can never rerecorded like that again good to get a second take of it though

  8. jani what you mean Pasi isn´t the new bassist??... what happened with Jukka?? he was a fucking master in the bass!!!
