Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fuck my life, or my back in this case...

I thought my back-issues were over as it had really not bothered me in a while, but apparently not. Woke up after 3h of sleep or so, not able to sleep anymore as my back was hurting no matter what position I tried to sleep in. Fucking fuck. Maybe it just took some damage during the extended weekend I had, or maybe I'm just fucked. Maybe I'm turning into Mick Mars or something...


  1. Even in a hundred years from now, to me you will always be better than MickMars.. (unless you become the guitarist of Bon Jovi!!).

    Hold on Sir! And get your precious back visited by some doc.!

    1. Oh come on...bon Jovi rules! :)

    2. Nothing personal. I can't stand all the 80's glam-hairy rock thing, the whole without exceptions. :)

  2. Hommaapa kovuudeltaan kova joustinpatja, omat selkäongelmat jäivät historiaan vaihdettuani tuollaiseen.

  3. You need to see a chiropractor. Do you think sauna might help you a little in the meantime?

  4. You should go to the doctor before the problem worsens more, please! Tell me you will.

  5. trapecios?? fisioterapia!! duele,pero calma el maldito dolor mucho, muuuchooooo :) propia experiencia ,buen remedio!!

    1. Joo, paljon kuulemma etelässä käyttävät...

    2. I wish I can understand finnish u.u sounds great :) get well!!

  6. I don't think Jani speaks spanish, try english or finnish :P

  7. But.... do you know exactly wich is the problem?... That's the fist step. you must know if it is muscle, bone, postural, genetic, etc ...You must know what's wrong to fix it. Many back issues are tratable, and with optimal results... Most important is to be constant with treatment...

  8. Jani, it is well-known disease entity - old age, you need to see with geriatrician :)

  9. The best thing is to consult a specialist then you will know what is the problem. I did suffer from back injury related to an accident (sprained my lower back) I did rehabilition exercices and now my back is fine.

  10. hes actually said mick mars my 2 favorite players jani liimatainen and mick mars dont get much better then that
