Thursday, February 7, 2013

Once again, burning the midnight oil

No, I'm not burning Australian musicians who had a hit back in the day (My god, that was a pretty terrible joke even by my standards...), but just working late. But hey, I actually managed to finish up one more piece of lyrics, and still sober! Way to go me and a pat on the back. Should probably head to sleep now, as I only have tomorrow to work on this crap and then I have some other stuff to do until monday.

So, good night good people and assholes alike, live long and prosper. Or catch a fucking herpes, I don't  care.


  1. Good night good man (I hope not to be categorized as an asshole), I'm very content you could do it sober! That's an achievement unlocked I guess. :) Sleep tight.

  2. Good night good man (I hope not to be categorized as an asshole). I'm very content you could do it sober, that's an achievemente unlocked I guess. :) Sleep tight.

  3. woow ^^ in what or who do you inspire to write music?

  4. Good night... sleep well... I'd like to hear the new lyrics...

  5. "Snowflakes are among the most fragile creation on nature, but look what they can do when they stick together!"

    1. You're showing a picture of a snowy landscape to a Finn? Seriously??? :D I see that shit every time I go out for a smoke dude :)
