Thursday, March 21, 2013

Working, working...

Been working pretty much all day on the Sydänpuu-single, and it's actually starting to sound pretty damn good already :) Maybe I'll celebrate with one beer and then get back to the old drawing board and see if I can make it even better :)


  1. So when it's going to be out? :P

  2. Yey!!! good news and yes you must be celebrated with a beer... I want to hear the new single!!! which will be awesome I'm pretty sure :D...

  3. I'm pretty sure it'll be a good song Jani
    Actually I'm a bit curious about the song's tempo, I hope you can answer that :)

  4. I've been working too, but not on a song. On a friggin essay!!
    (sorry about that, just jealousy :)

  5. Jani are u gonna come to Buenos Aires someday? There are a lot of fans here!
    I saw the drums session video, it sounds great! can't wait for it!

  6. Sounds good Jani. Quick question. What style are you going for? will this include guitar work?

  7. Mä kuulostan nyt varmaan vitun rasittavalta lehmältä, mutta muistaahan joku myös promota sitä sinkkua reippaasti. Mun sydän itkee verta, jos markkinointi- ja viestintäpuoli hoidetaan vähän sinnepäin ja radiosoitto jää siitä kiinni. Toivottavasti huolehdin turhaan ja PR-asiat on mietitty riittävän hyvin.
