Thursday, February 27, 2014

RIP Paco

Damn, I spent hours learning stuff from "Friday Night in San Francisco"...


  1. Every time some magazine or TV show comes up with a top whatever of the best guitar players in the world, they only refer to electric guitar, and forget about people like him. I think he was one of the best, if not the best.

  2. sí, se fué el maestro...las horas que pasó mi padre aprendiendo "entre dos aguas" y qué bien lo hacía!! recuerdos de infancia
    te dejo este clip que es exactamente de la época que te digo

  3. Found out yesterday, off we go with another awesome artist.
    I love that album too (what was that, 1995? - almost 20 yrs, God!)
    RIP, you'll be defenetly missed. Shame I never got to see him live.

  4. He was supposed to perform in Dominican Republic in like 4 or 5 months.. Miss the chance to meet this pal :/
