Thursday, February 6, 2014

This has been a good day

Today I went to the gym and after that I've pretty much finished the intro I was writing for the Railio shows, just need to make some final tweaks and mix it. I also reworked lyrics for one Arion song and that should be pretty much done now as well, and as a cherry for the sundae that is this day I just received from Matias a sung version of a song that I wrote lyrics to yesterday, and it sounds frickin' awesome! It ain't half bad being me these days. Granted, I'm a bit overworked, but I love what I do :)


  1. Jani, I need you to have a band now... We... the people of Argentina and all South America want to see you here.
    Once you traveled to Argentina? You are my favorite guitar player and I would like to see you on a live show


  2. Better overworked than unoccupied! :)
    Hey what's this song Matias sent you? A new project??

    1. It's an Arion song as well, Matias is producing the album :)

  3. All sounds pretty awesome Jani :) Is there a date for an Arion album yet?

  4. Ah well never mind. Shall look forward to hearing it when it does happen :) Thanks Jani!

  5. When did you become a Les Paul fan? haha

    1. When I got older, I just think they look cool and classy (except the Tokai I use, that one looks just ridiculous:)

    2. HAHAHA it's a little Japanese but it rocks:)

  6. I assume that you make orchestrations on keyboards or midi keys + Kontakt, Sibelius maybe :).Wondering what synth gear you used for Gather the faithful album, some awesome synth parts on it. Keep up the great work, you are quite a composer!


    1. Nowadays I use Kontakt with midi keys and sample libraries. I can't remember what I used then. I think it was Miroslav Philharmonic abd some Eastwest library, can't remember the name.

    2. Of course Mikko did the most awesome synth parts :)

  7. Replies
    1. I play a little guitar, even less bass, and very little keyboards :)

  8. Jani, wouldn't you like to have band by your own?... with Timo or or other friend haha
    The thing is that I always wanted to see you on a live band and I think that you won't come to South America by your self...

    I know you will not respond, but just think about it :)

    Big Ups

  9. One more question!!! (Tell me if i'm annoying) Where the fuck is your Ibanez Destroyer of 7 strings??! I know that it has the Sonata Arctica's logo but men... that guitar is awesome... IF YOU WON'T PLAY WITH IT ANYMORE GIVE IT TO ME:)

  10. hahaha don't forget, Jani will forget you before 5 min XD
