Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday funday

Chilled out, played some online NLHE and even some PLO, went out for some beers, good sunday. Tomorrow I'll start getting back into shape, which means less beers :( But I'll survive, triumph and be victorious!


  1. Hang on...if it is Sunday, then why is it saying you posted it on Monday? Time change maybe? I mean, I'm in the US and I dunno where you are at so...I'm confused now, is it Sunday or Monday. Here it's still Sunday.

    You will survive, triumph and be victorious Jani!! You can do it!!!

    1. Ah. That makes sense. Stupid me...Ah...*dies of embarrassment because of my perfectly stupid comment from earlier that has just been shot down by a wild Jani*

      Well hopefully you survived, triumphed, and was victorious. Be a shame if something happened otherwise.

  2. less beer that's a difficult task to do at least for me

    1. Never tried beer...what's it taste like??

    2. taste like heaven its like drinking out of the holy grail but better lol

    3. Okay now I'm interested in trying it. Haha Holy Grail, nice touch.

  3. I'm having my first ever show today and the nervousness is killing me :)
    What age were you when you had you first show?
