Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Way to go me...

So, last night I decided to go out for a beer, as I was bored. On the way home I managed to fall down and bust my face open. Fucking great, I look like I've been in a fight. Never happened to me before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. Damn glad I don't have any photoshoots or shows this weekend, as I doubt even makeup could hide this shit. Oh these proud moments...


  1. Would you show us a pic?

    1. Somehow I saw this coming... Dunno, might ruin my reputation as a sex symbol for the generations :)

    2. Pics or didn't happen

      Let's see if this works

    3. I'm surprised you did not put a picture of your face. I guess you want to avoid comments of certain types. But you can not punish me without spitting my venom in words.

  2. Ouch!! That sucks :/ Was it because of the melting snow or what happened? I hope it doesn't hurt THAT MUCH.

    1. Let's just say if you have to walk on an icy road in the dark, at least don't walk with your hands in your pockets so if you fall you won't fall on your face...

    2. But then, you automatically would have braced your fall with your hands and in worst case, you could sport a broken hand right now. Which you rather take? Hand in a cast or a busted face and pride?

      Here's to cheer you up.

    3. Especially when your job solely depends on your hand...

  3. I hope it was not anything serious, take care Jani!

  4. Alice Caracciolo c:April 10, 2013 at 11:56 PM

    be careful, you could ruin your sweet little face ;)

  5. And here we see, that the first time was nothing pleasant ... glad you're well, take care...

  6. dude you gotta upload a pic.

  7. Take care, Jani !! ... and stay out of the paparazzi´s flashes hehe

  8. Well, better that than a commotion, I guess. Take care.

  9. Per aspera ad astra, eli selfie kehiin ja säpiä heruttamaan.

  10. Shit happens!! Seriously people, someone gets hurt badly, and the first thing that comes in your minds is "Oh! Show us a pic! We wanna see!"... I find it a little sick.
    Jani, I hope you get well soon, don't make this let you down.. If it could be of some consolation to you, last night I saw Stratovarius in Milan, and it was pure awesomeness, as they seem totally reborn as a band; luckily enough we've got to hear a sweet acoustic version of "If the story is over" among the encores, and it was beautiul :)

    1. Dude, falling down on the street is not what I would call "getting hurt badly". What would you do if you saw one of your friends falling down? You'd probably laugh.
      Even if you didn't, why is it sick-minded to ask him if he'd show a picture? Can't we get interested instead of write the "poor boy, I hope it doesn't hur and you get better soon" thing? (which I don't judge badly)

      Sometimes you guys on the internet amaze me...

    2. Well actually a few people per year die due to falling down on the icy streets in Finland. If you smack your head badly on the asphalt, that's it. Yeah when someone falls it looks funny and you probably laugh at first. But just a simple fall can be fatal. Or you might break your hip, get a concussion etc...

    3. hey guys, don´t make this huge !!! ... Jani says he's fine, so unless he´s lying about it... we can only believe him !!

    4. Easy man, no offence intended!
      I'm no "you guys on the net". I'm flesh&bones like you, know! :) I wasn't trying to make an argument out of this. Only, I didn't think "busting its face open" would have been the kind of slippery-fall thing I'd make a joke on. And yes, I find it a little sick this habit of "wewannasee" we all often have. I didn't call you a psycho though! :D

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Take care Jani, who will be my guitar hero if something serious happens to you??
    Rock on Jani, Greetings from México!! :)

  13. I'm so not gonna say that I check your blog several times a day waiting for the photo >:D

  14. Your face ! Godammit !

    Did it look like that ? :P

  15. Trust me Jani, you're reputation won't be ruin. Instead you may be seen as a really tough guy x)
