Friday, May 17, 2013

Backing vox n' stuff

Today I didn't go running as it has been raining all day, but then again I've gone 7 days in a row now and I hear you should have an off day every once in a while. Instead I've laid down some backing vox for the upcoming Sydänpuu single (at home, my neighbours must love me by now...), it's starting to come together nicely. I'll still lay down a few more tracks tomorrow, and I'm having few friends contribute their lovely voices on this one as well, when I get the tracks from them this shit is going to be pretty much ready for the mixing. Could it be that for once everything is recorded before one starts mixing? Trust me, that doesn't happen all that often in these circles :)


  1. Lol,your neighbours! Who are these friends/guests? Is it a secret?

  2. Täällä on koko päivä ollut tosi lämmintä ei pisaraakaa vettä.Odotan mielenkiinnolla millaista musiikkia tulee.Mitä suunnitelmia viikonlopuksi?Mikä on elämässäsi paras teko jonka olet tehnyt?Kait tästä olisi laitettava nukkumaan kun täytyy herätä muutaman tunnit päästä töihin.Öitä.

  3. I'm sure your neighbors do, Jani :)

    Who be these friends you speak of? Secret, maybe? Nothing wrong with that, secrets are fun :)
