Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Now I've done it...

Today I have gone running again (already 100km+ for this month, way to go me), learned rest of the songs for Railio setlist (sans one, as I don't know what kind of version of it we are going to do yet), and...


Practised! I have actually practised guitar -electric guitar- today, and I've had fun doing so! Just coming up with new licks and shit, trying to get my technique back together after shying away from the electric and the more technical stuff for quite a while now. I think I'm gonna start doing this on a regular basis, who knows, maybe I'll even start shredding again one day :) Playing the fuck out of the guitar and coming up with new stuff is shitloads of fun, why didn't anyone remind me of that before??? :)


  1. Fuck yeah! I've been looking for that for a long time. The young guitar videos are the proof that you must record a solo album before you die!

    Keep rocking \,,/

  2. Oh that's a statement worthwhile reading in my day.
    I'm so glad.. I mean, if you did take a step back from shredding, I know there must be a precise reason why, which no one, in my opinion, has the right to argue with. So I wasn't hoping you to push back yourself to play your electric thing only cause I wanted it to happen. Just I was hoping that someday, among other things, even this one could finally get out again.
    Cause, I've to say, I love to hear and watch you play the electric guitar. May that be more of it.
    (not that I don't really appreciate your acoustic works, like last album with Mr. Kotipelto, which is really good!)

  3. Wow that just turned my shitty day into an amazing day!! glad to know you're practicing, how awesome!! keep on rocking Jani. :)

    Oh and BTW, thanks for all the inspiration Jani. Started playing guitar about a week and a half ago and I'm loving it. Hoping to shred at some point in my life. So yea, thanks for the inspiration, owe it all to you. :)

  4. Jani, was Gather the Faithful played in standard tuning or 1/2 step down?

    1. If I recall correctly some songs are standard tuning, some are a half step down and some a whole step down.

  5. Hey Jani, what was the worst guitar you have ever owned?

    1. A Russian acoustic I got when I was just a kid, it was beat up to shit and only had 2 strings left :)

    2. And why Ibanez, if I may ask?

  6. So... less is more, and more is more... WTF i am gonna smash my guitar and buy a hamster

    1. Cool idea bro, just remember: More hamsters = more hamsters,

    2. And if you keep "more hamsters" in the same cage that'll probably yield "even more hamsters".

  7. Practise = Rockstar is hardly a valid equation :D
