Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to most mothers. Not all of them, because lets face it, some of them suck at it, but most of them anyway:) My mother is of course the best one and rules supreme, but yours might've put forward a valiant effort as well, so remember your mother today.

"El Reino jätti kotinsa kuusi ja puoli vuotiaana
Hän hyvästeli hänet synnyttäneen naisen joka oli ollut hänelle kuin äiti"

-El Reino


  1. El reino, is the only line I get hehe... anyway, Happy Mother´s Day to your mum and your sis too !

  2. aquí, en españa, es el primer domingo de mayo...pásalo bien jani, lo mereces, AUPA!!

    1. Ei, ei mulla ole edes ajokorttia

    2. mfw I use google to translate that

      En serio, ¿no os dáis cuenta de que Jani no habla español? Madre mía...
      (don't you realize that Jani doesn't speak spanish?)

  3. I must have done something right as a mother, got some nice presents (=askartelujapaskarteluja) from my three little monsters =)

  4. I don't need a day to remember my mother, everybody must respect her and love her everyday! I do, at least :) my mom is so amazing!! :D

  5. happy day to your mom, my mother in law :D just kidding <3

  6. For mother's day, my mom told me to not use the computer or my phone or the TV or anything electronic all day long (which included no radio in the car) all day long and said it was the best present she had ever gotten. Hope your mom had a wonderful mother's day and that she did not require you to not play video games or forced you to not do something you'd ordinarily take great pleasure in doing.
