Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Sample of the upcoming Sydänpuu single

Can be found 


  1. GRACIASSS!!!!....otra vez a rabiar con los mp3 :( ¿material físico desde españa? saludos!!

  2. Why download only, why :(

    And yes, it is awesome, but I hate digital download only, I've downloaded Enceladus single for money and my hard drive went down, the single was lost forever :/ So I won't download it, or I will and record it on my cd, whatever :/

  3. Whoa, the sample rocks!! Looking forward to the whole song. But please please please make some physical copies of the single, even if it's just a limited number. As you can see, there are people interested in it.

    1. Agree, I will buy 3-4 when there is a physical copy

  4. The vocals are quite weak. They lack energy, especially during the chorus.

  5. Joo tosi hyvä, Radio Suomen soittolistalle pääset...yöradiossa soittavat. Sorry honey, but that is fact. Muuten ihan hyvä biisi...

    1. Sorry honey, but you're an idiot. Tässä varmaan kukaan edes haaveile mistään soittolistoille pääsystä. Jos niin hienosti kuitenkin oikeasti kävisi niin sehän olisi vain plussaa. Pojat on kuitenkin aikanaan aloittaneet Sydänpuun vitsinä. Mahtava ja tarttuva ralli! :)

    2. Ja kukaan ei maksa kallista studioaikaa millään VITSILLÄ, varsinkaan näinä aikoina, että idiooteista puheenollen :)

    3. Sinäkin olet Lelu joka saatanan postauksessa pätemässä. Rasittavaa. Tietääkseni vain rummut ja miksaus on tehty studiossa, muut soittimet äänitetty kotistudioissa. Kortelaisen Ahti on varmaan antanut pojille ihan hyvän diilin. Ja lukeehan se Sydänpuuta koskevissa bioissakin "started as a joke". Johan pojat on tehneet ties kuinka monta biisiä "kalliilla studioajalla" eikä yksikään ole soinut radiossa. Eikä ole tuntunut vitsin jatkumista haittaavan, toivotaan että tämä mestariteos pääsee radioon. Honey.

    4. Anonyyminähän sitä voi kaikkee kirjoitella... Ja vastaus ei pääse anonyymi

  6. That was just fantastic, can't wait to hear the whole thing!! Physical copy would be nice though...I'd definitely buy it. Keep up the fantastic work Jani!! :)

  7. Please let it be somewhere else but iTunes... I'm cool with digital download as shipping a physical all the way to south-america would cost more than the disc itself, but I hate iTunes. Let it be on Bandcamp or some other direct-download site (instead of having to install a BS program like iTunes).

    That being said, this rocks man! keep it up :)

  8. Jani!! I didn't understand a word, but it sounds amazing! I'd love to hear the full song :D

  9. Loooove the chorus ! Can't wait to listen the whole song !

  10. Habemus single!!! and I loved it... and now I'll wait for the full song, when is available in iTunes?... sounds desesperate I know but I loved it... anyway! excellent work...

  11. Sounds awesome Jani! can't wait for the whole track 8)

  12. Jani, what are the best pedals you've had? I want to get some new ones and want a recommendation from a pro guitarist (If that's what you would consider yourself)

  13. English lyrics -> rule the world with that chorus -> profit
    hahahahahahaha extremely well done Jani,really impressive work! Looking forward for this,even not being able to understand a single thing the lyrics say hahhahaa keep up!

  14. So far it sounds very very good, I really liked it. Can't wait to listen to the whole song :D :D

    [And I support the idea of releasing the single in a physical-format/another-download-site-besides-iTunes too]

  15. Yes! More music from Jani! This year is starting to get a whole lot better...Jani idol #1
