Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Still snotty...

Still feeling like shit, but maybe -just maybe- a little better than yesterday. Tomorrow we will head for the Tico Tico Studio to mix the Sydänpuu-single, and one might even use the word "Finally" here. We know it's been loooong overdue, but hey, what can I say? I'm a lazy little fuck and I know it :)

I also agreed with the Railio-guys today that I will skip the first of the shows, the one that would take place now on Saturday. There is just no reasonable way to pull this off, as I have the whole week so damn fully booked, and to top it off I'm sick (or allergic, doesn't really make a lickin' fuckin' difference, as I still feel like shit), and I would still have to make it back to Kemi on Sunday to drag my awesome ass back to school on Monday.

But now I'll get back to being snotty and disgusting. Btw, I remember reading from somewhere that your body can produce up to 1 - 1.5 litres of mucus/phlegm/snot/whatever per day. That sounds pretty damn gross when you start to think about it. Or don't. I prefer not to.


  1. Well you still alive... that counts no? although you are overproducing more than 1-1.5 litres of mucus/phlegm/snot/... anyway I hope you get well soon and tomorrow everything goes well in the studio...

  2. I sympathize, I'm in a similar case ^^ get better soon!

  3. Testaa jotain allergialääkettä, ehkä nuha ei lähde täysin, mutta olo paranee mikäli kyse on allergiasta. Joku ihan perus Histec tms. suht edullinen reseptivapaa tabu auttaa meikäläisellä ainakin siitepölyallergiaan. Tsemppiä!

  4. Hey Jani, could you transcribe the intro to picturing the past in the guitar exercises section?

  5. Hi Jani, since you rarely answer questions in the section "faq" i will asks you Here. What are your favorite bands(New and old)?

  6. Jani please finish this single soon while I still have some money left :P

  7. I really do hope you'll make it to Jyväskylä..
