Monday, February 11, 2013

Pretty accurate


  1. I am a woman and I don´t understand women...

    1. LOL I do... Some women tend to think they're perfect angels... And... yeah, that's pretty much it :/

    2. I'm not understand my own gender because I'm a rare person ;) and definitely I'm not an angel. Saludos Mariana

  2. I don't understand neither women nor men, to be quite honest... I think women hate other women because they're are sexier than them and men hate other men because they fuck more than them maybe? (wow, I even confused myself)

  3. maybe im man...coz i like women

  4. Well, I'm a woman and what I hate is stupidity, that has no gender.

    And yes, the saddest thing ever is that while most men are more than willing to cover another man's crap and "protect their own kind" (dickheads), some women throw their crap at each other *facepalm*...

  5. Jani! become a gay and all your women-problems will disappear :)

  6. I wonder where do you find such ispirational pictures :)
    Well truth is that, it doesn't matter under which regard, women are always more competitive among each other than men are (not including women enough big-hearted and simple-minded to "let it go"). That's because men are too lazy to compete for silly things or basically for question of honor, pride or feelings. If they actually care and do such things, they're always driven by some woman-related matter. True story.
